Paranormal Cirque III - scary fun and a hardy laugh.
There is so much more than music going on around us - and a wild big-tent performance is one example of something worth knowing. The Paranormal Cirque III is not a circus but a circus-like performance of jugglers, high-wire acts, and lots of people swinging above your head. The Paranormal Cirque III puts a little demonic (and slightly risque) performance under the big top!
Their website offers: “Slow down so you can take it all in…but if you scare easily, you might want to run….as we welcome you into this new world of Paranormal Cirque! Under this Clown Castle, the black and red big top tent, Acrobats of the Air, Illusionists, freaks, mysterious creatures and all the elements that make one think of a "normal" Circus but that of normal has very little! A new show with breathtaking implications always poised between fun and the most uninhibited fear that will transport you to a dark world inhabited by creatures with incredible circus art abilities. A crazy yet fun fusion between Circus, theatre, and cabaret in perfect harmony with the evolution of a show that brings you back to when we dream ... and when we had nightmares and fantasies.
Scare, encompass, amuse and surprise are the ingredients for a mixture of emotions impossible to forget.
This is truly a Paranormal experience like no other.”
This is something worth seeing firsthand.

Assistant Editor / Media Content / Editor / Photographer / Podcaster / Assistant to the Regional Manager
Born from an existential argument between Modernists and Postmodernists, I have found my home with the post-punks and those who love a good slice of pizza. I live in a world of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction and the ever-elusive Decisive Moment. Punctum and Studium aside, I like to take photographs of people and things to see how they look photographed. While I miss both CBGBs and a cool place to bowl in Asbury Park, Punk is still whatever we made it to be. The Future is Unwritten, and I owe it all to Mr. Bradley and Mr. Martin. Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (and Women) and ask the Little Prince for his thoughts. Sometimes, I'm On the Road, but if it weren’t for the honor of the thing, I’d just as well walk. My loving wife supports this albatross of an obsession, and my kids put up with me well. BA, MFA, M.Ed., BCEA, Nikon, FUJI, Tri-X.
Visit Doug on Flickr.